- I'm The Hunter - Don Andrew Bailey (slideshare)
- Digital Forensic - Ruby Alamsyah
Medium Level
- From DDOS to Remote Execution ScriptFTP Unicode Stack Overflow (0day) - Tom (slideshare-paper)
- Reversing BlueCoat ProxySG for Fun and Profit - wa- (slideshare)
- Advanced Techniques Kernel/ring0 Level Rootkit Development on Linux(2.6) - Wonokaerun (slideshare)
- Perancangan Aplikasi Approval Manager untuk Electronic Approval pada Mobile device dengan konsep Digital Signature - Alvin, Sandro, Anggrahito (slideshare-paper)
Beginner Level
- BruteForce, Dictionary Attack and the Implementation - linx (slideshare) (slideshare-paper)
- Analisis Hybrid CryptoSystem pada HTTPS - Aris, Sigit (slideshare-paper)
- Pengantar Mobile Security: Resiko, Desain yang aman, dan pengujian - Zaki (slideshare)
- Penerapan Protokol SSL dan IPsec pada Integrated VPN Technology - Claudia, Danang, Fitria (slideshare-paper)
- Hacking Social Network: Real Life POC
- Owned Exposed: how I hack "hacker" Facebook Account - el_rumi (slideshare)
- Puzzle Hacking: How to put all puzzle in one piece - drubicza, anton
- Lock Picking and Key Bumping Forensic - Mr.Pick (slideshare-paper)